The Tsarskoye Selo Picture No. 2

Tsarskoye Selo picture Nr. 2

Also in Waxell's " Tsarskoye Selo" manuscript Büchner found this illustration and published it 1891 in "Die Abbildungen der nordischen Seekuh" as Tsarskoye Selo Picture No. 2. The carefully watercoloured original is 39 cms wide and 32 cms high, and in fact a blend of the previous images.
The outline of the seacow is very similar to the Pallas- and Pekarski-Pictures, including the line along the back and the fluke shown in vertical position. The eye has eyebrow and corner, the ear opening is not recognizable. However, like the Tsarskoye Selo Picture No. 1, it carries the regular body folds, the shortened tail portion and the oversized tailfin with its wavy edge. The upper lip is larger than on all other contemporary illustrations.
This image was probably produced years later, the artist has endavoured to accomodate both the Pallas/Pekarski und the Zarskoye Selo 1 versions. It should not be considered an authentic representation of the actual animal.
The heads of the seals are surprisingly natural, compared with the previous ones. Obviously newer and better images were available to the painter.
Waxell's original diary disappeared from the Tsar's private library in the Revolution days and turned up again 1938 in a Leningrad bookshop*)epilog to the German translation of 1968.
